Welcome to create.hsbc

Create is HSBC’s global, customer-centric design system and the beating heart of our brand. It’s our shared creative hub; a modular framework with toolkits and libraries, but also a springboard for new ideas and stories. It’s a fix-and-flex model, adaptable to the goals of our global customers and colleagues. Most notably, it’s an ongoing conversation of improvement, rationalisation and creative exploration. 

Before Create, our internal and external brand teams struggled to unite. There was no single resource for our standards, toolkits and libraries. And there was no platform to share news, creative updates and inspiration; no way to work collectively and consistently. 

That’s why Create was born, and the inspiration for its name – Create is a doing word, a word that allows it to become intertwined into conversation. We create apps. We create websites. We create relationships. We create.hsbc. 


Our approach is based around an open design methodology with a focus on collaboration and transparency. Our various design teams work together to oversee, maintain and evolve Create, making sure its use and benefits are clear to all.

The Create Design System includes several bespoke tools processes:

Living Wall

The Living Wall is a digital space where our teams connect with each other by dropping in and sharing their in-progress creative work. It’s a real-time showcase of creativity, where the HSBC design community can see and be insipired by the vast number of projects happening across the entire bank, all in one place.

From the latest advertising campaign to a digital product journey within an HSBC app, anything creative from any sector of the business can be shared on the Living Wall for discussion and review. The more connected we are as a business and the more we can share, the easier it will be for us to deliver on the expectations we set for ourselves – and the more harmonious our customer experience will be.

Create Direct

Create Direct is for anyone in HSBC’s global creative community who has a query or feedback. Whether it’s about how to use the latest brand foundations and assets or guidance for an upcoming campaign, Create Direct will triage your query to the most relevant expert within the bank. This will help us be faster and more consistent, and allow us to get direct feedback from our teams.

Design Thinking

Design Thinking is a creative, problem-solving approach that’s about making things better for our customers. It puts them at the centre of the design process, so that everything we create has them in mind. It includes tools and activities for each of the 8 steps of our process, from workshops guide to training.

Design Foundations

Our foundations are the bedrock of our brand. Made up of a suite of Standards, they guide the way we do things as a design organisation, from use of colour and tone of voice to illustration and sound, keeping us all on the same page.

Design Toolkits

Design Toolkits provide approved and accessible components that are the building blocks of our design. They include everything from templates, buttons and colour palettes to icons and type scales. Designed to be easy and intuitive to use, components can be dragged and dropped into designs, not only helping our teams to work quickly and efficiently, but making it possible for them to create consistent, iconic brand experiences every time.

New Pattern Request

The New Pattern Request is a truly collaborative process which is fed by the community and customers, making sure we’re constantly evolving and remain on the pulse of financial requirements. Through the New Pattern Request, our community can request changes to existing assets or put forward entirely new elements or patterns, ensuring we’re constantly listening to the design community and our customers’ needs.

Component Development Libraries

Component Libraries (aka code libraries) are the development equivalent of Design Toolkits, with a set of modular, approved user interface components such as buttons, fonts and other visual elements. They can be used to create both web and app products.


HSBC is a huge global business, so the more we can simplify and streamline our processes, the better. By using the frameworks and insights in the Create Design System, we can ensure real benefit not only for our brand, but for our customers and employees, too.

Create affords clarity and visibility, across all departments and disciplines. It allows us to use time more efficiently, and to collaborate effortlessly. And it sets us up for creating consistently great work that not only engages our customers, but improves their experience with us.

Explore more

Strengthened, streamlined and simplified; our refreshed brand identity sets us up for success.

Learn about HSBC’s approach to digital accessibility and what it means to us.

Connecting people, ideas and capital with our borderless approach to banking.